By Phone
For appointments and general information, please call 425-968-5948. NON URGENT MESSAGES outside of business hours may be left for me at 206-457-3135. In most cases, I listen to voicemails within 48 hours, but it may take 72 hours for me to respond.
Secure Patient Portal
Existing clients and those who have scheduled an appointment to establish care with me may complete forms, pay for services, schedule appointments, and send me messages using our secure patient portal. Please call the office if you do not remember your login information.
If you are in crisis, and cannot wait until the next business day for a response from me, please call the King County Crisis Line at 1-866-4-CRISIS, go to the nearest ER, or call 911.
If you are in crisis, and cannot wait until the next business day for a response from me, please call the King County Crisis Line at 1-866-4-CRISIS, go to the nearest ER, or call 911.